About Us
We are passionate about home ownership
Home ownership in Australia is in a crisis; young people with two good incomes can’t afford to live near where they work. First responders, such as nurses and Police people, and Ambulance people, can’t afford to live in or near the communities they serve.
We need to change the current system if we are to make the dream of home ownership a reality for a younger generation of Australians.
“Since the second world war, governments across the rich world have made three big mistakes. They have made it too difficult to build the accommodation that their populations require; they have created unwise economic incentives for households to funnel more money into the housing market; and they have failed to design a regulatory infrastructure to constrain housing bubbles.”
The Economist 16/1/20

Leading to a huge and growing problem…
“Home ownership rates are going to keep falling over the next 10, 15, 20 years… we have a massive gap between those who have a house and those who don’t. That’s bad news for liberal democracy”
Louis Christoper, Managing Director, SQM Research Australia
This graph shows how home ownership is falling for each successive generation
“Our leaders love to talk about “affordable housing”. But they are loath to ever do anything about it. And almost every initiative they stump up, from raiding your superannuation to finance a deposit to first home buyers grants, usually only serves to further fuel extra demand and push prices higher.”
Ian Verrender, Business Editor, ABC, 7/12/20